Image of production Plants and Monsters

Plants and Monsters

Plants and Monsters is a collage of bodily experiences of heat. The name of this work refers to the celebration of life and, on the other hand, to the destruction and the monstrous side of heat and humanity. It brings forth the contradictory experience of heat where enjoyment, vitality, and destructive forces meet. 

The collage approaches this enormous topic through sensuousness and bodily wisdom and poetry. It is an installation-like and choreographed space in which different kinds of études on the topic, made with various mediums, are placed side by side, overlapping each other.

Plants and Monsters invites the audience to experience and ponder on the topic multisensorially, and to create their own meaning horizons through the different fragments that compose the piece. It offers different kinds of intimate openings to the bodily experience of heat taking place here and now, but also as past memories and possible futures to come. The work attempts to liberate, revitalise, and invigorate the poetics of the body at a time when human actions have been condemned many times.

Working group: Lotta Suomi and Heli Keskikallio

Exhibition will take place 3. - 15.12.2024. Exact exhibition opening hours and performative activations will be announced later. 

Place: Pertin valinta Hakanimenkuja 2, Helsinki

Tickets: Voluntary support payment, more info coming later. 

The work is supported by Jenny and Antti Wihuri Foundation and the Arts Promotion Center Finland. Residency: Trois C-L theatre and JoJo Oulu Dance Center co-work residency in Luxembourg 2022.