Image of production Jälkiä


J Ä L K I Ä 2018–2021

“Cut tufts A blue bundle A white crumpled, shiny and smooth cone with something pale orange on it A huge, mounded surface with a green, soft, tufty carpet on it Different sized, hard chunks in different shades of gray Chunks in a circle Chunks in a row Chunks in a queue Chunks, tufts and bits A lot of bits Equally long oblongs that I don’t know the name of A hum somewhere far away, maybe behind the oblongs A round and tart scent A brown, slim rectangle sideways”

Jälkiä meaning “traces” or “tracks” is a series of sound art pieces spreading around Helsinki in 2019-2021 that observe different districts and environments from the point of traces. Every piece is constructed together with the surrounding, discussing and improvising with it, getting affected by it, each forming an unique entity. Pieces include sound, music and text that have been born in a dialogue with the environment. The piece (duration 30-60 min) will be available until the end of 2021 and can be experienced individually with headphones at any time.

With every piece there will be an opening event that is unique opportunity to experience parts of the work by interacting with the artists. The event includes walking, live music, stopping and wondering together.

Jälkiä Suomenlinna was opened in the summer 2019. For a more detailed location, please visit:

During the year 2020 new pieces will be opened in Malminkartano, Tapulikaupunki, Kulosaari, Jakomäki, Haaga, Annala, Vuosaari and Itäkeskus.

Working group: Petra Vehviläinen and Aino Juutilainen