Circus Maximus


Letter from the board

February 27, 2025

White text with black background. Text says: "The arts are not a luxury; they are a critical part of our society."

Unfortunately we at Circus Maximus found ourselves on Taike’s chopping board for further funding. Taike’s funding made up a significant portion of the association’s annual budget, and the loss of it has forced us to reconsider and redesign how the association will work from now on.

As sad as we are to lose the funding, we recognise that this is not only about us. The recent government cuts to arts and culture not only represent a financial setback for Circus Maximus, but are also a worrying sign of how current policy makers seek to diminish and downplay the importance of the arts.

The arts have the power to shape how we understand ourselves, others and our relation to one another. They create meaning from the diverse realities that coexist around us. To fulfill their potential—bringing people together, strengthening communities, and enriching social well-being—a plurality of artistic voices and platforms of all sizes is essential.

The disproportionate funding cuts along with the proposed structural changes in the arts councils do not only threaten the cultural vibrancy and the global recognition we have worked hard to achieve, but also democracy itself. They raise deep concerns about their consequences. They also revive pressing question, especially in an era of austerity-driven policies: Whose voices and realities will be deemed worthy of support?

Our concerns go beyond financial access or generating economic value. The arts hold the power to challenge systems, critique the establishment, and disrupt hegemony—regardless of who is in power. This antagonistic role of the arts has been crucial throughout the history of democracy.

We stand in solidarity with other arts organizations across Finland in urging our government to recognize the profound importance of arts funding. The arts are not a luxury; they are a critical part of our society. We call on policymakers to uphold their responsibility in supporting the arts, ensuring a thriving cultural landscape and reaffirming their commitment to a democratic society that values creative expression.

We encourage our community to stand in solidarity against the cuts by engaging with Arts Against Cuts and supporting their actions.